
Breadth First Search

Jazz Peh, April 29, 2020

BFS is an algorithm for traversing Graph data structures. It starts at some arbitrary node of a graph and explores the neighbour nodes (which are at current level) first, before moving to the next level neighbours.

See it in action:

Code algorithm

For BFS, we utilise queue data structure to help with the operations.

type Node = {
  value: string;
  neighbours: Node[];
  hasVisited: boolean;

type Graph = {
  nodeList: Node[];

function bfs(graph: Graph): void {
  const queue = new Queue();

  for (const node of graph.nodeList) {
    if (node.hasVisited) continue;


    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      const currentNode = queue.dequeue();
      if (currentNode.hasVisited) continue;

      currentNode.hasVisited = true;

      currentNode.neighbours.forEach((neighbour) => {
        if (neighbour.hasVisited) return;

For time and space complexity, check out my post on Run Time Complexity.

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