Min cost to reach last cell in 2D Array
Jazz Peh, May 16, 2020
Given a (n,n) 2D matrix, we need to start from (0,0) cell and go till (n-1,n-1) cell. Assuming that each cell has a cost associated and we can only go right or down from current cell, find the traversal in minimum cost.
input: [
[ 4, 7, 8, 6, 4 ],
[ 6, 7, 3, 9, 2 ],
[ 3, 8, 1, 2, 4 ],
[ 7, 1, 7, 3, 7 ],
[ 2, 9, 8, 9, 3 ]
output: 36
Explanation: 4->6->7->3->1->2->3->3
This problem can be solved by applying Divide and Conquer
to break down the problem into smaller subproblems. Thus, by solving these subproblems, we will arrive at our final answer. Let’s try to derive the subproblems.
1. min of going right f(0, 1) and going down f(1, 0)
2. if we reach the end of the right cell, we can only go down
3. if we reach the end of the bottom cell, we can only go right
Code Algortihm
function minCost(mat: number[][], row: number, col: number): number {
if (row > mat.length - 1 || col > mat[0].length - 1) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (row === mat.length -1 && col === mat[0].length - 1) return mat[row][col];
const right = minCost(mat, row, col + 1);
const down = minCost(mat, row + 1, col);
return mat[row][col] + Math.min(right, down);
Let’s look at the an example of the recursion tree see if we need to optimise this solution.
/ \
/ \
/ \
min(0,1) min(1,0)
/ \ / \
/ \ min(1,1) min(2,0)
min(0,2) min(1,1) / \
/ \ min(1,2) min(2,1)
/ \
min(0,3) min(1,2)
/ \ / \
min(0,4) min(1,3) min(1,3) min(2,2)
We are computing a new of the subproblems more than once such as min(1,1)
and min(1,2)
. We can then apply Dynamic Programming
to optimise the solution.
type HashTable = {
[x: number]: {
[y: number]: number;
const dp: HashTable = {};
function minCost(mat: number[][], row: number, col: number): number {
if (row > mat.length - 1 || col > mat[0].length - 1) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (row === mat.length -1 && col === mat[0].length - 1) return mat[row][col];
if (!(row in dp)) {
dp[row] = {};
if (!(col in dp[row])) {
const right = minCost(mat, row, col + 1);
const down = minCost(mat, row + 1, col);
dp[row][col] = mat[row][col] + Math.min(right, down);
return dp[row][col];
Bottom Up Approach
We can now then apply some reverse engineer to use the Bottom Up Approach
(also known as Tabulation
). Firstly, let’s start from looking at the Top Down Approach
using a matrix table.
C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | |
R1 | min(R1C2,R2C1)+4 | min(R1C3,R2C2)+7 | min(R1C4,R2C4)+8 | min(R1C5,R2C5)+6 | R2C5+4 |
R2 | min(R2C2,R3C1)+6 | min(R2C3,R3C2)+7 | min(R2C4,R3C3)+3 | min(R2C5,R3C4)+9 | R3C5+2 |
R3 | min(R3C2,R4C1)+3 | min(R3C3,R4C2)+8 | min(R3C4,R4C3)+1 | min(R3C5,R4C4)+2 | R4C5+4 |
R4 | min(R4C2,R5C1)+7 | min(R4C3,R5C2)+1 | min(R4C4,R5C3)+7 | min(R4C5,R5C4)+3 | R5C5+7 |
R5 | R5C2+2 | R5C2+2 | R5C4+8 | R5C5+9 | 3 |
For top down approach, we enter from R1C1
and then recusively all the way to R5C5
to hit our base condition which is the first independent value. Hence, for bottom up approach, we can the solve R5C5
cell first, then the R5
row and then make our way up to R1C1
to get our final answer.
type HashTable = {
[x: number]: {
[y: number]: number;
function minCost(mat: number[][]): number {
const dp: HashTable = {};
for (let row = mat.length - 1; row > -1; --row) {
for (let col = mat.length - 1; col > -1; --col) {
if (!(row in dp)) {
dp[row] = {};
if (row === mat.length - 1 && col === mat[0].length - 1) {
dp[row][col] = mat[row][col];
} else if (row === mat.length - 1) {
dp[row][col] = mat[row][col] + dp[row][col + 1];
} else if (col === mat[0].length - 1) {
dp[row][col] = mat[row][col] + dp[row + 1][col];
} else {
dp[row][col] = mat[row][col] + Math.min(dp[row + 1][col], dp[row][col + 1]);
return dp[0][0];